Event Date(s)
Begins: December 5, 2024 9:00 amEnds: December 5, 2024 4:00 pm
The Planning and Land Development Regulation Commission will meet in the County Council Chambers on the second floor of the Thomas C. Kelly Administration Center, 123 W. Indiana Ave., DeLand.
The PLDRC is a nine-member advisory board. Seven members are appointed by the Volusia County Council for a two-year term, and two members are ex-officio nonvoting members. Five of the voting members must live in unincorporated parts of the county. This advisory board is quasi-judicial and has final action on variances it recommends to County Council on special exceptions, rezonings and changes to various ordinances.
For more information, email planning@volusia.org.
Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II)
Pursuant to Title II of the ADA, Volusia County does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in providing or conducting its services, programs or activities. Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of county policies to participate in a meeting or other event, should contact the county’s ADA Title II coordinator, Jim Corbett, at 386-248-1760 no later than two business days before the event or meeting.